Glaxm SchoolMan ERP is a modern, highly adaptable, enterprise class business solution for schools of all kind & volume- that can be deployed on premise- for a fraction of the cost of traditional ERP Systems. Improve agility and dramatically lower cost of ownership with Glaxm.

Glaxm SchoolMan ERP Edition applications are easily customized without programming.

The School Management module offers comprehensive student information management features to the end users. Start from the admittance process to General Register posting, change management, promotion and leave certificate issuance are sequentially automated with entry ease forms and flexible processes with high secured work flow approvals. Flexible rule based fee items provided in the module enables the organization to schedule and process the fees in an efficient and precise manner. The possibilities of stores and inventory for uniforms, books and stationery are utilized in the fullest extent. Library features are provided for the in- out process and reservations. Academic parameters and set-ups provided to enable the student evaluation system more accurate and effective to the fullest possible of 2Dimentional or 3Dimensional monitoring. The alert and reminder process helps the management to act more pro-actively in order to set high service standards.

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